
My first two weeks of school are over and I get to relax in a much needed three day weekend.

What a couple of weeks!

I never knew that it was possible to feel such conflicting emotions all at once. I love the kids I teach, so very much. Sometimes they make me so mad that I feel like I am boiling and I just have to walk away. Or they’re behavior just make me laugh, good and bad behavior alike. Everyday I feel like I am running the full gambit of human emotions and it just leaves me exhausted every night.

I know I don’t have it as hard as some and I definitely face different challenges than others in teaching three year olds. I just didn’t think it would be so hard or exhausting it emotionally draining.

It can only get better though

One thought on “Hard

  1. Britt says:

    They are lucky to have you!! 🙂 I hope you continue to have as much fun as possible and enjoy it. I love you!! Rock that 3 day weekend for me!!!! Aot, Britt

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